Rolpa –  An American national who had been Rolpa for the first time in life in course of her PhD research 35 years ago has been offering scholarship to many students in the district for a decade.

She is Dr Augusta Monlar. The scholarship amount is distributed through the Tanka Prasad Acharya Memorial Foundation to over 100 students from low-income families and on the basis of merit. Over 100 students are being benefitted from the scholarship every year, the Development Concerned Society Rolpa said.

A total sum of Rs 550,000 is allocated for scholarship package every year, society chair Karna Bantha said. Students of three levels– primary, secondary and higher secondary–get selected for the scholarship. It has been a great help for the students from poor community finding hard to continue with education despite potential and interest.

Bir Balbhadra Secondary School of Thawang also receives assistance from the American philanthropist. The school gets Rs 800 thousand from her every year under the scholarship scheme and other different headings, school Principal Kul Bahadur Oli said.  (RSS)